The Delaware State Courts will be closed on Tuesday, November 5th for Election Day. Justice of the Peace Court 11 (New Castle County) and Court 7 (Kent County) will remain open 24 hours and Justice of the Peace Court 3 (Sussex County) will be open from 6AM – 12PM (no new cases after 11:00PM).
Sussex County Courts including Justice of the Peace Court 2, 4, and 17 will be closing at noon on Thursday, November 7th for Return Day. JP Court 14 will be closed the entire day due to proximity to Return Day events.
For Press Inquiries Please Contact:
Sean O'Sullivan
Chief of Community Relations
Phone: (302) 255-0093
Supreme Court Opinions & Orders
Judicial Officers of the Supreme Court
Court of Chancery Press Releases
Guidelines for Use of Laptops in the Courtroom
Court of Chancery Opinions and Orders
Court of Chancery Court Calendar
Judicial Officers of the Court of Chancery
Operating Procedures for Court of Chancery
Docket Information - Civil actions filed wtih the court are available online at File and ServeXpress.
Court of Chancery Hours and Locations
Contact Information:
Court of Chancery New Castle County Contact Information
Court of Common Pleas Press Releases
Court of Common Pleas Opinions and Orders
Court of Common Pleas Court Calendars
Judicial Officers of the Court of Common Pleas
Justice of the Peace Court Newsroom
Justice of the Peace Court Orders
Judicial Officers of the Justice of the Peace Court
Policy Directives for Justice of the Peace Court
Justice of the Peace Court Access to Court Records: (PDF) or (electronic/fill in)
Administrative Office of the Courts Press Releases
Contact Information for the Administrative Office of the Courts
Judicial Branch Operating Procedures
Education and Community Outreach
Delaware State Courts Holiday Schedule
Leonard L. Williams Justice Center
Wireless internet access has been established for all major courthouses statewide. Members of the public have wireless access (state-guest-net) for their laptops, smartphones, and mobile devices. Please review instructions and guidelines for making use of the State-Guest-Net wireless services in the courthouses statewide.