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Answer to Petition for Custody Instruction Packet

You should use Answer to Petition for Custody Instruction Packet if you would like to file an Answer in response to a Petition for Custody. Do NOT use this packet if you are filing an initial Petition for Custody.

Answer to Custody Instruction Packet

Answer Forms:

Below are links to the forms that are described in the Answer to Petition for Custody Instruction Packet. Fill out and file the forms listed below. Do NOT file the forms that are in the Instruction Packet. The forms in the instruction packet are simply to help you understand how to fill out the real forms below. Read the instructions and sample forms in the Instruction Packet carefully BEFORE completing each of the forms below.

Several of the forms may be filled in online and then printed to be filed. If you do not fill out the forms on the computer, write neatly in blue or black ink.


Custody Separate Statement

Information Sheet

Waiver of Rights Under the Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act

Motion for Continuance