Project Rightful Owner
New Castle County Unclaimed Sheriff's Sale Excess Proceeds List A-B
The below list is arranged alphabetically by the person's last name or the business name who owned the property at the time of the Sheriff's Sale along with address of the Sheriff's Sale property, the court-held amount, the sale date, and the court's case number.
Any case on this page that has been scheduled for a hearing is linked to the Matters Set for Hearing schedule page.
Last Name or Business Name | First Name | Address (Sheriff's Sale) | Court-Held
Amount |
Sale Date | Case Number |
A |
Abrams | Ingrid; Rosetta Stansbury (Estate of) | 23 Kings Grant Way,
Wilmington, 19802 |
183.68 | 03/10/2015 | N14L-09-053 |
Abrams, Jr | Norman A.; Patricia G. |
811 Dexter Corner Road,
Townsend, 19734 |
724.03 | 04/12/2016 | N15L-06-001 |
Adams | Bradford, Janice B. Peter C. Hope, Lois V. Edwards (Estates of), Shirley A. Smith, Lois Williams | 437 Bradford Street,
Wilmington, 19801 |
8,571.91 | 12/13/2022 | N22J-02447 |
Adkins | Ruth | 1616 Otts Chapel Road, Newark, 19702 |
39,381.38 | 07/10/2018 | N18J-03272 |
AJJ Weeks, Inc. | 1620 Capitol Trail, Newark, DE 19711 |
244,136.67 | 03/09/2021 | N20J-07206 | |
Albright | Roberta E.; Lester E. |
11 Paynter Drive,
Wilmington, 19809 |
26.68 | 10/08/2013 | N12L-12-112 |
AM Alliance LLC | 637 E. 8th St., Wilmington, 19801 |
101.77 | 1/10/2023 | N22J-008069 | |
AMS Global Holdings, LLC | 8 S. Rodney Drive,
Wilmington, 19809 |
8,812.95 | 11/12/2019 | N19J-03559 | |
Anthony | Mercides (Estate of), Don J. Lindsay, Derrick Lindsay, Charles Knothe, Esq. (Pers. Rep.) | 109 Central Avenue, New Castle, 19720 |
Antonowicz | Raymond R. | 207 Ridge Road,
Claymont, 19703 |
469.51 | 09/12/2006 | N06L-03-087 |
Aponte | Anna E.; Serefin |
1121 Lancaster Avenue,
Wilmington, 19805 |
5,352.96 | 12/09/2008 | N08T-09-008 |
Ardis | Julie Ann | 409 S. Union Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
6214.38 | 10/09/2019 | N18L-03-044 |
Auditor | Gregory F.; Gayle A. Raysor |
4400 Verona Drive, Wilmington, 19808 |
3,498.38 | 08/14/2018 | N17L-12-096 FWW |
Avemdano | Gloria M.; Jephthah A. |
1512 Governor Circle, Wilmington, 19809 |
6,384.29 | 11/9/2021 | N19L-11-058 |
B |
Babicki | Darlene M.; Edmund A. |
158 S. Shelley Drive, Claymont, 19703 |
12,230.92 | 06/08/2021 | N19L-08-067 |
Bailey | Gayle G. | 2918 Washington Street, Wilmington 19802 |
5,651.02 | 04/12/2016 | N16J-00099 |
Bates | William Douglas | 902 W. 27th Street,
Wilmington, 19802 |
112,732.73 | 04/13/2021 | N20J-07654 |
Battle | Kathy | 720 Vandever Avenue,
Wilmington, 19802 |
1,528.59 | 07/12/2016 | N16J-05284 |
Banning | Elsie, Blanche T., Denise; James L. Townsend | 6 East 40th Street, Wilmington, 19802 |
10,378.35 | 08/11/2009 | N09T-04-018 |
Barbato | Alexandria D. | 14 Doolin Bay Drive, Bear, 19701 |
8,010.85 | 09/09/2008 | N08L-03-125 |
Baronsky | Patrick | See: Chin-a-Loy, Colin | |||
Bateman-McCants | Valerie, Valaria, and Samuel D. Clark | 1712 Tulip Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
58,706.53 | 01/09/2024 | N23J-03225 |
Baynard | Lewis (Estate of); Dorothy |
2211 N. Locust Street,
Wilmington, 19802 |
3,498.44 | 08/10/2021 | N21J-03921 |
Bayview Holdings LLC | 1122 Beech Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
17,027.33 | 07/12/2022 | N22J-01054 | |
Becker Salem Inc. | 1333 E. 14th St., Wilmington, 19802 |
13,265.29 | 10/12/2021 | N21J-04-771 | |
Benabese | Jason M. | 26 Smyrna Avenue,
Wilmington, 19809 |
25,739.71 | 11/9/2021 | N21L-04-014 |
Berger | Henry; Samuel Green |
550 Pigeon Point Road, Wilmington, 19720 |
5,895.19 | 11/12/2008 | N08T-07-039 |
Berks Realty LLC | 240 N. Rodney St., Wilmington, 19805 |
23,302.09 | 3/14/2023 | N22J-02803 | |
Berry | Calvin; Keith; Anthony; Elaine, Andre |
800 East 22nd Street, Wilmington, 19802 |
2,023.86 | 05/13/2008 | N08T-01-039 |
Betz | Charles D. Jr.; Lavarne M.; Charles Sr. (Estate of); Michael W.; Shannon C.; Michele J. Brewer; Virginia; Joan; Bettyann; Raymond Moxley |
1716 West 2nd Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
1,308.22 | 10/12/2010 | N09L-05-073 |
Bey | Derrick, Tahira Wyatt | 704 E. 22nd St., Wilmington, 19802 |
5,539.97 | 1/10/2023 | N22J-02664 |
Biddle | Donald L.; Robert C.; Robert C.,Jr. |
301 N. 6th Street, Odessa, 19730 |
11,248.60 | 12/10/2019 | N19J-03784 |
Birney | Kevin P. | 120 N. Hunters Forge Drive,
Newark, 19713 |
5,216.84 | 10/13/2020 | N19L-06-080 |
Black | Jenny L. | 1227 Lobdell Street, Wilmington, 19801 |
1,072.20 | 05/08/2012 | N12J-00744 |
Blackston Cove Development, LLC | 5482 Summit Bridge Rd., Townsend, 19734 |
3,129.43 | 10/11/2022 | N22L-05-010 | |
Blake | Dorrell Lamar | 1113 W. 3rd. St., Wilmington, 19805 |
5,167.82 | 1/10/2023 | N22J-02443 |
Bloodwell | Selma J. | 3218 Brookline Rd,
Wilmington, DE 19808 |
129,885.01 | 4/12/2022 | N22J-00290 |
Bonner | Clarence William Jr. | 2502 N. Market Street, Wilmington, 19802 |
556.91 | 09/13/2011 | N11J-03043 |
Booth | Martin T.; Andrea Szafranski |
121 Strand Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
1,183.04 | 11/12/2013 | N13J-03057 |
Bosa | Angel | 1816 W. 2nd Street, Wilmington,19805 |
3,258.15 | 05/10/2016 | N16J-00570 |
Bozung | Lorraine; Charles Frederick Burke III |
1019 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
12,322.56 | 06/11/2013 | N13J-00578 |
Brice | Nikki G. | 833 Vandever Avenue,
Wilmington, 19802 |
4,550.32 | 12/14/2021 | N21J-06082 |
Briggs | Lawrence | 4 Radnor Road, Newark, 19713 |
1,363.19 | 05/13/2008 | N02L-11-047 |
Briscoe | Mary C. and Charleen L. | 324 E. 22nd Street, Wilmington, 19802 |
1,205.64 | 12/11/2018 | N18J-06245 |
Brittingham | William F.; Sophie |
205 N. Van Buren Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
1,686.70 | 06/09/2009 | N08T-11-018 |
Broadnax | Marvin; Sarah | 0 Browns Lane, Newark, 19702 |
27,115.88 | 03/12/2024 | N23J-04228 |
Brower | William O. | 414 Townsend Street, Wilmington, 19801 |
8,697.16 | 04/08/2008 | N08T-01-018 |
Brown | Anthony | 404 S. Heald Street Wilmington, 19802 |
4,067.39 | 01/10/2023 | N22J-02665 |
Brown | Gairy; Stanton; Adolphus; Sifton; et al. |
209 N. Jackson Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
176.69 | 11/12/2013 | N13J-02646 |
Brown | James H. (Estate of); Victor, Virgil; Therome E; Virginia Wilkins; Josephine Starts | 120 W. Twenties St., Wilmington, 19801 |
81,997.10 | 03/12/2024 | N23J-03503 |
Brown | Jesse A. | 2208 N. Pine Street, Wilmington, 19802 |
2,785.90 | 03/12/2013 | N12J-05395 |
Brown | Jessie W. (Estate of); Clyde W. | 118 E. 24th St., Wilmington, 19802 |
22,574.42 | 03/12/2024 | N23J-03421 |
Brown | Joel; Robert; Marilyn Fox |
112 N. Lincoln Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
4,751.69 | 05/10/2011 | N11J-00909 |
Brown | John Byron; Roosevelt Nichols; (Estate of) |
519 Sally Lane, Middletown, 19709 |
1,867.59 | 07/14/2015 | N14L-10-119 |
Brown | Ricky | 220 Highland Boulevard, New Castle, 19720 |
51,821.31 | 05/10/2022 | N22J-00453 |
Brown Jr. | Charles L.; Pearl Brown Wallace; Valerie Loper |
434 Queen Street, Wilmington, 19801 |
1,694.63 | 08/13/2013 | N13J-01593 |
Brunswick | Anna J. | 1311 W. 5th Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
5,319.98 | 2/14/2023 | N22J-02676 |
Buck | Andre | 601 N. Lincoln Street,
Wilmington, 19805 |
11,854.98 | 11/12/2019 | N19J-03671 |
Buday | Joseph (Estate of) | 109 New York Ave., Claymont, 19703 |
24,026.74 | 05/14/2024 | N22L-08-014 |
Bundy | Michael Thomas (Estate of) | 448 Sweetman Drive, Bear, 19701 |
8,382.39 | 03/12/2024 | N20L-03-051 |
Burell | John H. | 209 N. Connell Street, Wilmington, 19805 |
242.57 | 01/10/2017 | N16J-07650 |
Burden | Michael | 315 W. 23rd Street, Wilmington, 19802 |
4,047.39 | 12/11/2018 | N18J-06545 |
Burke III | Charles Frederick | See: Bozung, Lorraine | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Burns | Florence | See: Tymes, Sr., Jimmy | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Burris | Randy L. | 817 Jeffrey Pine Drive,
Bear, 19701 |
53,235.13 | 10/12/2021 | N19L-01-035 |
Bynum | Brent; Gail Pearson |
409 Forest Drive, Wilmington, 19804 |
5,359.68 | 01/11/2011 | N10L-05-177 |