The Delaware State Courts will be closed Monday, January 20, 2025 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Justice of the Peace Court 11 (New Castle County) and Court 7 (Kent County) will remain open 24 hours and Justice of the Peace Court 3 (Sussex County) will be open from 6AM – 12AM (no new cases after 11:00PM).

Jury Service

Frequently Asked Questions

NOTICE: Courthouse Entry  

Leonard L. Williams Justice Center opens for Jurors at 8:30 a.m.
Kent County Courthouse opens for Jurors at 8:15 a.m.
Sussex County Court house opens for Jurors at 8:30 a.m.

Answer: Read your summons carefully and be sure to fill out the "Juror Qualification Questionnaire" at the bottom of the Summons. You may choose to fill out the Online Qualification Questionnaire instead. Please be sure to answer every question. We use this information to compile statistics to ascertain that our jurors are a representation of the community.

Your social security number is for the Court's use only. You may notice that the Online Form does not ask for your social security number. For your protection, the Court will obtain it when you arrive at the Courthouse. Please note, we must have all juror’s social security numbers in order to reimburse any jury fees owed to that juror.

When you have completed the Juror Qualification Questionnaire, you may submit it online or detach it from the summons and mail it back to the Court in the self-addressed envelope that came with the Summons. Please retain the top half so you will have the necessary information.

Answer: Please contact the Jury Services Office number listed for your county:

Answer: Jurors are not paid, but they are reimbursed for some of the expenses they incur as a result of jury duty. The reimbursement rate is $20 a day.

In New Castle County, if you are not selected for a trial or only serve on a trial lasting one day, you will not receive reimbursement for this service. Jurors selected for trial lasting more than one day will be reimbursed after the initial day of service.

In Kent and Sussex Counties, jurors receive the $20 a day reimbursement for every day they are required to report for jury service during their two-week term.

Answer: Every attempt is made to have the reimbursement to you within approximately two weeks.

Answer: The Court excuses persons from jury service only upon a showing of undue hardship, extreme inconvenience or public necessity. In lieu of an excusal, service may be deferred for a period the Court deems necessary. The Jury Service of any person temporarily residing out of state for business or educational purposes shall be deferred until the person's return.

In order to be considered for an excusal, you must first return your completed Qualification Questionnaire, along with your written request for excusal or postponement. Instructions for excusals and postponements are explained on the reverse side of your summons. You may return your Questionnaire and request to the below address.

New Castle County
Jury Services
Leonard L. Williams Justice Center
500 North King Street, Suite 1800
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax (302) 255-2263

Kent County
Jury Services
Kent County Superior Court
38 The Green
Dover, DE 19901
Fax (302) 739-7162

Sussex County
Jury Services
Prothonotary of Sussex County
Sussex County Courthouse
1 The Circle, Suite 2
Georgetown, DE 19947-1504
Fax (302) 856-5955

Please read your summons for additional information. If you still have questions, please call the Jury Services telephone number listed for your county:

NOTE: No request for excuse or postponement will be acted upon without a completed Qualification Questionnaire returned to the Court with supporting documents.

Answer: If you fail to appear for Jury Duty, you'll receive a postcard in the mail telling you that you missed your summons date and that you should call the Court immediately.

If you fail to appear a second time, the Court may have a Deputy Sheriff serve a summons upon you at your home.

If you fail to appear a third time, a Deputy Sheriff may serve you with a Rule to Show Cause Petition. You must then come before a Judge of Superior Court to explain why you did not report for jury duty as summoned. The judge could fine you up to $100.00, and imprison you up to three days. If you fail to appear for the Rule to Show Cause, a civil capias may be issued.

Please remember that serving as a juror is your civil duty and a privilege as a United States citizen. It is a constitutional right to be tried by a panel of one’s peers, and when you are called to serve as a juror, you become directly involved in the administration of justice.

Answer: If you are no longer a Delaware resident, you must submit documentation of your current residency such as a copy of your driver’s license or a utility bill. You may submit the documentation to the below address either via US mail, email or fax:

New Castle County
Jury Services
Leonard L. Williams Justice Center
500 North King Street, Suite 1800
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax (302) 255-2263

Kent County
Jury Services
Kent County Superior Court
38 The Green
Dover, DE 19901
Fax (302) 739-7162

Sussex County
Jury Services
Prothonotary of Sussex County
Sussex County Courthouse
1 The Circle, Suite 2
Georgetown, DE 19947-1504
Fax (302) 856-5955


Membership in the following groups or occupational classes constitutes a showing of undue hardship, extreme inconvenience or public necessity:

  • Served on a grand or petit jury within the past two years;
  • Over 70 years of age;
  • Jury service would violate deeply-held religious beliefs;
  • Primarily responsible for the care of persons who are unable to care for themselves;
  • Full-time police officers or fire fighters;
  • Active full-time U.S. armed services or Delaware State National Guard;
  • Active full-time clergy;
  • Self-employed or paid primarily on commission.

To be excused for any of the above reasons, you MUST complete your Qualification Questionnaire, which may be completed online. If you are requesting to be excused due to age, please send a copy of your completed Qualification Questionnaire and a copy of your Driver’s License to Jury Services at the below address either via US mail, email or fax:

New Castle County
Jury Services
Leonard L. Williams Justice Center
500 North King Street, Suite 1800
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax (302) 255-2263

Kent County
Jury Services
Kent County Superior Court
38 The Green
Dover, DE 19901
Fax (302) 739-7162

Sussex County
Jury Services
Prothonotary of Sussex County
Sussex County Courthouse
1 The Circle, Suite 2
Georgetown, DE 19947-1504
Fax (302) 856-5955

Please read the reverse side of your summons for additional information. If you still have questions, please call the Jury Services telephone number listed for your county:

NOTE: No request for excuse or postponement will be acted upon without a completed Qualification Questionnaire returned to the Court with supporting documents as may be required.


On the Summons, it states that if you have a green card, you MUST return your completed Qualification Questionnaire along with a copy of your green card. Then mail, fax or email the completed Questionnaire along with a copy of your green card to the below. If you are not a U.S. Citizen, you are not permitted to serve as a juror.

New Castle County
Jury Services
Leonard L. Williams Justice Center
500 North King Street, Suite 1800
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax (302) 255-2263

Kent County
Jury Services
Kent County Superior Court
38 The Green
Dover, DE 19901
Fax (302) 739-7162

Sussex County
Jury Services
Prothonotary of Sussex County
Sussex County Courthouse
1 The Circle, Suite 2
Georgetown, DE 19947-1504
Fax (302) 856-5955

NOTE: No request for excuse or postponement will be acted upon without a completed Qualification Questionnaire returned to the Court with supporting documents as may be required.


Superior Court draws jurors from multiple source files including Voter's Registration, State Identification Cards and Licensed Drivers. The names of all residents in your county who either vote, have a State ID or who drive are compiled by a computer in the State's Office of Information Systems in Dover, Delaware.

If you are on more than one Source List (i.e., have a Driver’s License and are a Registered Voter), you will only be on the list once because the computer eliminates duplicate names. Only about 5% of Delaware's population do not vote or drive.


You will receive a Jury Summons from the Court, through the regular, first-class mail, to appear for jury duty.

The Summons will tell you, among other things, the date and time you are to report, the Court's Policies concerning requests for excusal or postponement. The Summons is the only notice you will receive.


Yes. The Petit Juror Plan of the Superior Court governs the selection of petit jurors.

View the Complete Petit Jury Plan  


Please contact Jury Services:

New Castle County
Jury Services
Leonard L. Williams Justice Center
500 North King Street, Suite 1800
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax (302) 255-2263

Kent County
Jury Services
Kent County Superior Court
38 The Green
Dover, DE 19901
Fax (302) 739-7162

Sussex County
Jury Services
Prothonotary of Sussex County
Sussex County Courthouse
1 The Circle, Suite 2
Georgetown, DE 19947-1504
Fax (302) 856-5955

Also, please make sure you notify Voter Registration and Division of Motor Vehicle. Jury Services use these agencies as Source Lists for jury duty.

Voter Registration:
Department of Elections for New Castle County
Carvel State Office Building
820 North French Street, Suite 400
Wilmington, DE 19801-3531
(302) 577-3464

Department of Elections for Kent County
100 Enterprise Place, Suite 4
Dover, DE 19904
(302) 739-4498

Department of Elections for Sussex County
119 North Race Street
P.O. Box 457
Georgetown, DE 19947
(302) 856-5367

Motor Vehicle:


You need to be prepared to be here until 5:00 p.m.


You may call the Jury Services Office and request a work certification:



Jurors who have completed their term of service do not have to serve again for a minimum of two years.

Should you get another summons within two years of serving, please:

  1. Note the date of when you served on the Qualification Questionnaire, and
  2. Ask to be excused because of previous service.

The Court is unable to accept volunteer jurors because, by Delaware law, jurors' names must be randomly selected from the Motor Vehicle, Voter Registration and State ID lists. Additionally, Delaware law mandates that the Court's jurors be a representation of the community in which they live.


View any Superior Court page - Any Weather Alert will appear In RED

Additionally, the Superior Court will make any inclement weather announcements on the following stations:

New Castle County

Kent County

Sussex County