Excusal and Postponements - Jury Service - Superior Court - Delaware Courts - State of Delaware


State of Delaware court facilities in Sussex County will open at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Justice of the Peace Court 3 (Sussex County) will be open from 6AM – 12AM (no new cases after 11:00PM). Courts in Kent and New Castle Counties will operate on their regular schedule.

Jury Service

Excusal and Postponements for Jury Service

Step-by-Step Instructions for Excusal from Jury Service
  1. Go online to https://courts.delaware.gov/superior/jury/ and select the county in which you were summoned to appear. Under the appropriate county, click on the “Questionnaire,” and complete the demographics.
  2. After you submit the first page, which includes your demographics, you will be prompted to complete the “Online Qualification.” One of the questions is, “Do you request excusal for any serious hardships?” In the blank space, you will include your request for excusal.
      Please note that if you look at the top portion of this webpage in the buff box, it will include the below reasons for excusals and what documentation is required.
    • Medical requests must be accompanied by a doctor’s note that details your condition.
    • Employment deferments must be accompanied by a letter from your supervisor.
    • If you have moved out of state, you must submit a copy of your new driver’s license for that state.
    • If you are not a citizen, you must submit a copy of your alien registration (green) card, visa, or other legal documentation.
    • If you are a business owner, you can submit a copy of your business license to be excused for jury duty.
    • If you are a student looking to be excused, you must submit a copy of your school class schedule or another document verifying your enrollment.

    If you need to submit any of the additional documentation listed above, please send it to one of the following addresses. (Be sure to include your juror barcode number located below the barcode on your Summons.)

    New Castle County
    Jury Services
    Superior Court of Delaware
    500 North King Street, Suite 1800
    Wilmington, DE 19801-3753
    Fax (302) 255-2263

    Kent County
    Jury Services
    Superior Court of Delaware
    38 The Green
    Dover, DE 19901
    Fax (302) 739-7162

    Sussex County
    Jury Services Office
    Prothonotary of Sussex County
    Superior Court of Delaware
    1 The Circle, Suite 2
    Georgetown DE 19947-1504
    Fax (302) 856-5955

       Unless you receive a written excusal from the Court, please follow the Reporting Instructions on your Summons.

  3. Once you submit your Online Qualification, Online Questionnaire, and Excusal Request with Documentation, you will receive a response from Jury Services in the form of US Mail. If Jury Services requires further information or documentation, you will be notified via US mail.
  4. If you have any questions, please call the appropriate Jury Services Office at the number listed above.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Postponements for Jury Service
  1. Go online to https://courts.delaware.gov/superior/jury/ and select the county in which you were summoned to appear. Under the appropriate county, click on the “Questionnaire,” and complete the demographics.
  2. After you submit the first page, which includes your demographics, you will be prompted to complete the “Online Qualification.” One of the questions is, “Do you request excusal for any serious hardships?” In this blank space, you will include your request for postponement and better dates that would work for you.
  3. If you have not postponed your jury service before receiving this summons in the mail, you may request a schedule change by simply clicking on “Request Schedule Change” after you log on to the system. The Request Schedule Change is located on the left side of your screen. This will allow a one-time date change. (If this option does not appear in your menu, it means you have already been postponed previously.)
  4. You may not “Request a Schedule Change” within 5 days of your scheduled Jury Service. If you would like to request a schedule change within 5 days of your service, you must contact Jury Services directly.
  5. Jury Services will process your request and send out notification of approval, which will include a new date, or denial of your request via US mail. If Jury Services requires further documentation, they contact you via US mail.