Commission on Law & Technology

Commission Members

Name & Position Office
Justice Karen Valihura
Delaware Supreme Court
Judge Sean Lugg
Delaware Superior Court
Vice Chancellor Travis Laster Delaware Court of Chancery
Chief Judge Michael Newell Delaware Family Court
Chief Judge Danberg Delaware Court of Common Pleas
Judge Bethany Crowley Delaware Justice of the Peace Court
Anthony Capone, Esquire Delaware Office of Defense Services
Gregory Lane Delaware Department of Technology & Information
Ryan Newell, Esquire Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor
Stephen Winer JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Gilbert Pinkett Maron Marvel
Christian Wright, Esquire Department of Justice
Kenneth Kelemen Administrative Office of the Courts
Molly DiBianca, Esquire Clark Hill
Richard K. Herrmann, Esquire
Kevin Brady, Esquire