State of Delaware court facilities in Sussex County will open at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Justice of the Peace Court 3 (Sussex County) will be open from 6AM – 12AM (no new cases after 11:00PM). Courts in Kent and New Castle Counties will operate on their regular schedule.

Jury Service

Juror Reporting Information

NOTICE: Courthouse Entry  

Leonard L. Williams Justice Center opens for Jurors at 8:00am.
Kent County Courthouse opens for Jurors at 8:15am.
Sussex County Court house opens for Jurors at 8:30am.

  Check Daily Juror Reporting Instructions before coming to court so you only report when you are needed.

Daily Juror Reporting Information Online

The Daily Juror Reporting Instructions are posted online after 6:00 p.m. for jurors reporting the next day. You may click the county you are to report for your Jury Service and obtain the latest update for the next day.

Daily Juror Reporting Information by Phone

New Castle County

After 6:00pm the night before you are scheduled to report, you may call the Jury Information Line at the following numbers depending on the panel for which you were summoned:

Petit Jury, after 6:00pm, the night before you are scheduled to report for jury duty, please call (302) 255-2491.

Grand Jury, after 6:00pm, the night before you are scheduled to report for Grand Jury Duty, please call (302) 255-2547.

Jurors selected for trial should call, after 6:00pm, their Judge’s Information Line as distributed during Jury Selection for reporting instructions.

Kent County

Depending on the type of trial you have been summoned for will depend on what number you are to call. The Jury Type appears in the upper right-hand corner of your Summons. If you have been summoned for a:

Petit Jury, after 6:00 p.m. the night before you are scheduled to report for jury duty, please call (302) 739-5328; or

Special Jury, after 6:00 p.m. the night before you are scheduled to report for jury duty, please call (302) 739-4666.

You will hear a recording, which lists each group, by number, explaining when and where you are to report. (Your group number appears in the upper right-hand corner of your Summons above the Jury Type.)

Sussex County

After 6:00 p.m. the night before you are scheduled to report, call (302) 856-5624

You will hear a recording which lists each group, by number, explaining when and where to report. Your Group Number and Jury Type appears in the upper right-hand corner of your Summons.

General Information for Juror Reporting

  NOTE: Bring your completed Juror Qualification Questionnaire with you if you did not email, mail, fax or submit it online to Superior Court Jury Services.

  When you come to Jury Services, please bring with you the top portion of your summons.

There are phones available for jurors to use in the Jury Assembly Room.

In New Castle County ONLY, there are 40 lockers (at a cost of $1) for individuals to store their possessions in while they are inside the building. These lockers are located outside of the Courthouse, in the parking garage by the entrance. If you choose not to use those lockers, please leave your items in your car or at home.

Capitol Police will not allow any food, drinks or medications into the building. If you have a medical condition that requires these items accompany you into the Courthouse, please provide documentation (doctor’s note) upon entry.

Where is the Jury Room Located in the Courthouse?

New Castle County

New Castle County Courthouse

Leonard L. Williams Justice Center (formerly the New Castle County Courthouse)

Leonard L. Williams Justice Center

The Jury Assembly Room is on the 1st Floor of the Courthouse which is located at:

500 North King Street, Suite 1800
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 255-0800

The Leonard L. Williams Justice Center is open to the jurors and the public at 8:30 a.m.

After you enter the building, you will go through a security checkpoint and the metal detectors. Turn right after going through security. (Do not get on the escalators.) Go past the “Down Escalators” and continue walking until you reach the third set of doors on your left. This will be Jury Services. Please check in with the Jury Clerk at the desk. Be sure to bring your completed Qualification Questionnaire that is on the bottom part of your Juror Summons unless you have previously mailed, faxed or submitted this online.

Please remember to bring your parking stub with you into the Courthouse. We validate the parking stubs inside of the Courthouse. Therefore, if you do not have your parking stub with you, we may not be able to validate it.

  Note: In the event there is inclement weather, jurors must call 302-255-0555 before leaving your home or work for any late-breaking updates.

Kent County

Kent County Courthouse

Kent County Courthouse

Kent County Courthouse

The Jury Assembly Room is on the 1st Floor of the Courthouse which is located at:

414 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 735-1900 Ext. 58021

The Kent County Courthouse opens to the jurors and the public at 8:15 a.m.

After passing through the security checkpoint, please proceed down the hallway past the stairs and turn right at the end of the hallway. The Jury Assembly Room is the last office on the left.

  Note: In the event there is inclement weather, jurors must call (302) 739-5328 for the most up-to-date information before leaving your home or work for any late-breaking updates.

Sussex County

Sussex County Courthouse

Sussex County Courthouse

Sussex County Courthouse

The Jury Assembly Room is on the 1st Floor of the Courthouse which is located at:

1 The Circle
Georgetown, DE 19947
(302) 855-7055

The Sussex County Courthouse opens to the jurors and the public at 8:30am.

  Note: In the event there is inclement weather, jurors must call the designated courthouse telephone before leaving your home or work for any late-breaking updates.