Sussex County Law Library
Sussex County Law Library is located in the Sussex Courthouse Annex and sits off the Circle, in Historical Downtown Georgetown, Delaware.
5 East Pine Street
Georgetown, DE 19947
Margaret L. Naylor, Law Librarian
Phone: (302) 856-5483
Business Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM
* The Sussex County Law Library is open to the public, but due to staffing limitations, we suggest you call in advance to make sure the library is open.
Sussex County Law Library Usage Policies & Procedures
The Sussex County Law Library provides legal research resources and information for the public, the judiciary, legal professionals, and other government officials. The library is often a starting point for people involved in court cases who do not have attorneys (also called self-represented or pro se litigants). Public access to legal information is a critical component of open and equal access to the justice system. The library provides access to legal research resources and information. There is free patron access to Thomson Reuters Westlaw and Lexis Advance, HeinOnline, and free Wi-FI. Self-represented litigants may file appeals to the Delaware Supreme Court in the library.
Public Access:
The public is welcome to use the library and all its resources whenever the building is open and library staff is present. While we accept walk-ins, because of limited staffing, it is best to call ahead to make sure that staff will be present to assist you. All visitors to the Superior Court Annex where the library is located are screened by court security. Cellular telephones and other personal electronic devices are allowed in court facilities with restrictions which can be found in the Portable Electronic Devices policy.
Legal advice is not available. Library staff is available to assist you by helping you to learn how to use the resources we have, but we are unable to give any legal advice or perform research work for you. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Conducting searches for you
- Collecting or printing documents for you
- Contacting other agencies on your behalf
Please see the Patron Code of Conduct for further information.
Bar Members:
If you are a current member of the Delaware Bar in good standing, please call or email the librarian to begin the process of being issued a key card to the law library.
Photocopying and Printing:
Photocopying and printing are both available for 10 cents per page. The law librarian is able to teach you how to use our copier and printer, but cannot make the copies for you.
Computer Research
Thomson Reuters Westlaw, Lexis Advance, and HeinOnline computer legal research services are available for free. Computers are also available to access the library catalog, the Delaware Courts’ website, and other library research links. Due to security issues, our computers cannot accept USB drives and some websites may not be available to view or print. Additionally, material can only be printed from one of our patron access computers, not from a personal electronic device, such as a phone or laptop. For general internet usage and email access, we recommend patrons use one of the Delaware public libraries.
Checking Out Materials:
Only Court Personnel are allowed to borrow materials from the law library.