Office of Disciplinary Counsel

The Office of Disciplinary Counsel ("ODC") assists the Delaware Supreme Court with the Court's regulation of the practice of law in the state of Delaware.
Lawyers are expected to comply with the professional standards established by the Supreme Court in the Delaware Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct ("Rules"). ODC evaluates and investigates disciplinary complaints alleging lawyers violated the Rules. If warranted, ODC may seek to initiate formal disciplinary proceedings against lawyers. Disciplinary complaints and proceedings are confidential.
ODC also investigates claims regarding the unauthorized practice of law in Delaware according to the Rules of the Unauthorized Practice of Law Subcommittee of the Board on Professional Responsibility ("UPL Rules").
Office of Disciplinary Counsel
The Renaissance Centre
405 North King Street, Suite 500
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
P: (302) 651-3931 | F: (302) 651-3939