Scholarships for Youth Who Have Experienced Foster Care

In coordination with the Department of Services for Children, Youth & Their Families (DSCYF), the Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) is responsible for administering two educational scholarship opportunities for young adults who have experienced foster care in Delaware.

Tuition Waiver Program

Young people who experienced foster care in Delaware involved in the youth advocacy group known as Helping Our Peers Evolve (HOPE) advocated to break down financial barriers to access post-secondary education programs. Thanks in part to their advocacy, the Fostering Independence Through Education Tuition Waiver Program was established in 2022 with the passage of HB 123 (14 Del.C. §§ 3431A-3434A). The Tuition Waiver Program supports qualifying youth who spent time in Delaware’s foster care system to access higher education by waiving tuition, fees and (where offered) room and board at Delaware State University, Delaware Technical Community College, and the University of Delaware. To request a Verification of Program Eligibility letter, complete your request using this online portal.

Tuition Waiver Eligibility Criteria

  1. Current Delaware resident
  2. Under age 26
  3. One of the following:
    • Aged out of the Department of Children Youth and Their Families (DSCYF) custody at age 18 or;
    • Exited DSCYF custody to guardianship or adoption at the age of 16 or older or;
    • Was in DSCYF custody for 12 months or more between the ages of 14 and 18.

Chafee Education and Training Vouchers Program

The Chafee Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) Program is a federally-funded, state-administered program which provides eligible youth up to $5,000 a year to cover the costs associated with post-secondary education or training programs. ETV funds can be used for direct costs, such as tuition, books, meal plans and campus housing, and indirect costs, such as transportation, utilities, childcare, or off-campus housing.

Ivyane D.F. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Ivyane D.F. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund (Scholarship Fund) is a state-funded program established in 1989 in honor of a woman who advocated for vulnerable children in Delaware through her work as a foster parent and Court Appointed Special Advocate. The Scholarship Fund may be used towards indirect or direct costs associated with post-secondary education or training programs.

Voucher and Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  1. You must be a current or former Delaware youth, who is or has experienced foster care in Delaware.
  2. You must have a high school diploma or GED.
  3. You must be accepted or attending an institution of higher learning or trade school, AND if already attending, you must be making satisfactory academic or vocational progress toward completion of that program.
  4. You must be a U.S. citizen or a qualified non-citizen.
  5. You must annually complete the federal Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) .
  6. You must complete an online application (click application link below) and participate in an interview with the Office of the Child Advocate.

Voucher and Scholarship Renewal Requirements

  1. You must be attending an institution of higher learning or trade school AND making satisfactory academic or vocational progress toward completion of that program. Satisfactory academic progress is defined as a 2.0 GPA or greater.
  2. You must have participated in the program for less than five years, whether or not consecutively.
  3. You must annually complete the federal Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) .
  4. You must resubmit your financial information and complete an interview with the Office of the Child Advocate.

Voucher and Scholarship Application Process

  • Scholarships are accepted on a rolling basis and awards are made August through June through the online portal.
  • Applicants must have a current email address.
  • If you have an independent living worker, please contact your worker for assistance with the application process.
  • If you do not have an assigned independent living worker, please contact for assistance with the application process and with completion of the federal Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) forms.
  • Please note that only one application must be completed for these two scholarship programs.
    • New and returning applicants: Applicants must complete an intake form and submit your financial information. If you are attending DSU, UD or Del Tech and experienced foster care for at least 1 year after age fourteen and have a screenshot of your schedule, an official email from the school verifying enrollment, or a copy of your acceptance letter please include it in your application. If you haven’t received the financial aid award letter at the time of completion, you will be required to submit it before a scholarship is awarded.
  • Once your application has been received, OCA staff will be in contact with you about your eligibility.

Other Scholarship Opportunities

Please see other Scholarships opportunities for students in the state of Delaware.

900 King Street
Suite 350
Wilmington, DE 19801
Main line: (302) 255-1730
Fax: (302) 577-6831

400 Court Street
Dover, DE 19901
Fax: (302) 672-1125

6 West Market Street
Suite 2
Georgetown, DE 19947
Main line: (302) 856-5720
Fax: (302) 677-7027