Official Court Transcripts

The staff of the Court Reporters Office for each Court is responsible for accurately recording all courtroom proceedings and preparing certified verbatim transcripts of those proceedings as requested by attorneys, litigants or the public.

Information on obtaining a cost estimate and ordering a transcript for the Court of Chancery, Superior Court, Family Court and Court of Common Pleas are listed below.

Court of Chancery Transcript Orders

To order a transcript of a Courtroom proceeding, request Realtime reporting, or inquire about any other information, please contact Tara Wachowski at 302-255-0526 or Carol DiSerafino at 302-255-0525. You can also request a transcript by completing and submitting the transcript request form.

The general costs are assessed below (effective October 1, 2024):

Delivery Time Cost Additional Info
Regular delivery 6-10 business days $2.50/page $60.00 minimum
Expedited delivery

2nd day delivery
3-5 business days

2 business days

$75.00 minimum
Daily copy same day/next day $5.50/page $75.00 minimum
Real-time connection $3.00/page


Up to 3 connections

additional connections up to 8

connections 9 and 10
ASCII/compressed Additional fees

Superior Court Official Court Reporters & Transcripts

The Official Court Reporters for Delaware`s Superior Court report courtroom proceedings and prepare certified verbatim transcripts of those proceedings upon request.

Cost estimates for transcripts of court proceedings can be obtained by submitting a completed transcript request form to the Court Reporters' Office in the appropriate county.

The cost of a transcript is based on a per-page rate which is $3.00 for an original and one copy and $2.00 for one copy for normal delivery; $5.00 for an original and one copy and $3.00 for one copy for expedited delivery; and $6.50 for an original and one copy and $4.00 for one copy for daily, or overnight, delivery.

A deposit from one-half the estimated cost up to the total amount of the estimated cost may be required by the Court Reporters' Office prior to preparation of transcript.

Unless the ordering party is a governmental agency or a member of the Bar, any deposit is required to be made by either a money order or cash, for which a written receipt is provided.

Please complete the online Transcript Request Form and submit the completed request to the appropriate county. The Transcript Request Form can also be printed and mailed or hand delivered to the appropriate county listed below.

Realtime reporting of courtroom proceedings is also available upon request. Realtime provides, almost instantaneously, the text of words spoken in the courtroom. Realtime provides access to court proceedings for deaf and hard of hearing participants and serves as a trial management tool for judges and attorneys.

Realtime rate for a criminal case is $2.75 per page for one party or agency, or $2.30 per page for two parties or agencies. Mandatory transcript is not required except for appeal or impeachment purposes.

Realtime rate for a civil case is $2.50 per page plus mandatory transcript rate for normal delivery based on present rates.

Leonard L. Williams Justice Center
Superior Court

500 North King Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

Contact: Lisa Masciantonio
Chief Court Reporter
Kent County Courthouse
Superior Court

414 Federal Street, 1st Floor
Dover, DE 19901

Contact: Michelle Webb
Chief Court Reporter
Sussex County Courthouse
Superior Court

1 The Circle, Suite 2
Georgetown, DE 19947

Contact: Christine Quinn
Chief Court Reporter

Family Court Transcript Orders

All Family Court proceedings are recorded digitally and are retained for a period of two years after the date of the hearing. Requests for transcripts should be made to the following individuals:

New Castle County Contact:
Tanya James
Kent County Contact:
Danielle Wright
Sussex County Contact:
Michelle Mendoza

Learn how to obtain copies of divorce or annulment decrees.

Court of Common Pleas Transcript Orders

The staff of the Court Reporters Office is responsible for accurately recording all court proceedings using a multi-channel digital recording system. It is also the responsibility of this office to prepare verbatim transcripts of court proceedings as requested by attorneys, litigants or the public.

All requests for transcripts for the Court of Common Pleas should be directed to Tanya Congo at (302) 255-0886 or you may email the court at

The cost of a transcript is based on a per-page rate, which is $3.00 for an original and one copy and $2.00 for additional copies for normal delivery; $5.00 for an original and one copy and $3.00 for additional copies for expedited delivery.