Family Court Service Providers

Community Legal Aid Society (Kent County) 674-8500
Community Legal Aid Society (New Castle County) 575-0660
Community Legal Aid Society (Sussex County) 856-0038
Delaware Volunteer Legal Service 478-8680
Lawyers Referral
AIDS Delaware 652-6776
Brandywine Pastoral Institute Inc. 651-0223
Catholic Charities Day Treatment (Kent County) 674-8211
Catholic Charities, Inc. 674-1600
Catholic Charities (New Castle County) 655-9624
Catholic Social Services (Sussex County) 856-9578
Child, Inc. 762-8989
Children & Family First of Delaware 1-800-734-2388
Children & Family First of Delaware (Dover) 674-8384
Children & Family First of Delaware (Milford) 422-8013
Children & Family First of Delaware (Newark) 738-3305
Children & Family First Service of Delaware (Wilmington) 60+ 658-5177
Children & Family First Service of Delaware (Hispanic) 655-6486
Children & Family First Service of Delaware (Seaford) 628-2011
Community Mental Health (Intake) 577-4249
Connections 694-3380
Delaware Guidance (Dover) 678-3020
Delaware Guidance (Georgetown) 645-5338
Delaware Guidance (New Castle County) 652-3948
Delaware Pastoral Counseling Service 994-4014
Division of Child Mental Health 633-2571
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 761-8300
Dover Mental Health Center 739-4170
Georgetown Mental Health Center 856-5490
Geriatric Services of Delaware - Home Care (Kent County) 734-7005
Geriatric Services of Delaware - Home Care (Sussex County) 856-7774
Geriatric Services of Delaware - Home Care (New Castle County) 658-6731
Independent Living 429-6693
Jewish Family Services of Delaware 476-9411
Kent/Sussex Mental Health Center 422-1395
Meadowwood Hospital - Senior Out - Patient 328-3330 ext. 6016
Partial Hospital (Wilmington Hospital) 428-2357
People's Place 422-8011
St. Jones 674-4700
Survivors of Abuse in Recovery 655-3953
Tressler Center of Delaware 995-2294
Visiting Nurse Association 323-8200
Wilmington Mental Health Center 577-4249
Wilmington Senior Center - Counseling Services 651-3400
Children & Adolescents  
Brandywine Program 995-2002
Child Abuse Hotline/Family Services 1-800-292-9582
Child Support Enforcement (New Castle County) 326-6200
Child Support Enforcement (Kent County) 739-4586
Child Support Enforcement (Sussex County) 856-5586
Crisis Center (Child & Family Kent/Sussex County) 1-800-969-4357
Division of Child Mental Health (< 18) 1-800-722-7710
Crisis Intervention Service 577-2464
Crisis Intervention Service (Kent/Sussex County) 1-800-345-6785
Domestic Violence Hotline (Child Inc.) 762-6110
Domestic Violence
Aid in Dover, Inc. 734-7610
Child Inc. 762-8989
Children & Families First 658-5177
Delaware Volunteer Legal Services 478-8680
Delaware Center for Justice (Victim) 658-7174
Domestic Violence Coordinating Council 255-0405
Domestic Violence Hotline (Child Inc.) 762-6110
Safe Haven 449-1722
Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC) - Rape Crisis Helpline 1-800-773-8570
Turning Point/People’s Place (Kent/Sussex County) 424-2420
Emergency Housing
Martha's Carriage House (New Castle County) 762-6110
Crisis House (24 hours)(Kent County) 856-2246/7761
People's Place (Kent County) 422-8058
Whatcoat Social Service Agency (Kent County) 734-0319
Crisis House (24 hours) (Sussex County) 856-2246/7761
New Castle County  
Wilmington Hospital 733-1000
St. Francis Hospital 421-4335
Christiana Hospital 733-1000
Kent County  
Kent General 674-4700
Sussex County  
Beebe Hospital 654-3300
Milford Memorial Hospital 422-3311
Nanticoke Memorial Hospital 629-6611
Hotlines (24 Hour)
Child Abuse 1-800-292-9582
Contact Lifeline - Rape Crisis Helpline 1-800-262-9800
Domestic Violence (Kent & Sussex Counties) 302-422-8058
Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC) - Rape Crisis Helpline 1-800-773-8570
Information & Referral
Mental Health Association in Delaware 1-800-287-6423 or 656-8308
Delaware Helpline 1-800-464-4357
LaLinea - Latinos in Need of Assistance 1-800-221-2266
Parent Information Center 366-0152
WARMLINE (Parent) 1-800-874-2070 or 762-8938
Juvenile Issues
New Castle County  
Juvenile Probation (New Castle County) 577-2200 ext. 6011
Ferris School 995-8300
Delaware Correctional Center (New Castle County) 653-9261
Probation & Parole (New Castle County) 577-3443
Public Defender's Office (New Castle County) 255-0130
Attorney General's Office (New Castle County) 577-8400
Kent County  
Juvenile Probation (Kent County) 739-5381
Stevenson House (Kent County) 422-1407
Delaware Correctional Center (Kent County) 653-9261
Probation & Parole (Kent County) 739-5387
Public Defender's Office (Kent County) 739-4476
Attorney General's Office (Kent County) 739-4211
Sussex County  
Juvenile Probation (Sussex County) 856-5420
Stevenson House (Sussex County) 422-1407
Sussex Correctional Institution 856-5280
Probation & Parole (Sussex County) 856-5243
Public Defender's Office (Sussex County) 856-5310
Attorney General's Office (Sussex County) 856-5353
Social Services
Division of Family Services (New Castle County) 577-3824
     Social Services (New Castle County)  
          Belvedere 995-8545
          DeLaWarr 577-2973
          Hudson 368-6840
          Middletown 378-5200
          Northeast 577-3536
          Porter Child Health 577-3515
Division of Family Services (Kent County) 739-4800
     Social Services (Kent County)  
          William State 739-3351
          Carroll's Plaza 739-4437
Division of Family Services (Sussex County) 856-5450
     Social Services (Sussex County)  
          Milford State Services 422-1416
          Georgetown State Services 856-5340
          Bridgeville State Services 337-8261
          Laurel State Services 875-2289
          Pyle State Services 732-9501
Substance and Treatment
Aquila (adolescents) 999-1106
Aqula (Kent County) 730-1814
Aquila (Sussex County) 856-9746
Addictions Coalition of Delaware, Inc. 984-2322
Division of Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Mental Health 577-4460
Brandywine Counseling 656-2348
Child Mental Health Services 633-2600
Edward Pyle State Service Center (Sussex County) 856-5237
Kent County Counseling Services (Kent County) 697-4494
Limen House for Men 652-7069
Limen House for Women 571-1216
MeadowWood 657-8100
Open Door, Inc. 798-9555
Pace, Inc. 999-9812
Pace, Inc. (Kent County) 678-4911
Sodat 656-4044
Sodat (Kent/Sussex County) 1-800-551-6464
Sojourners' Place, Inc. 764-4713
Sussex County Counseling Services (Sussex County) 854-6981
Substance Abuse Support
Al-Anon Teen/Family Groups 366-8484
Al-Anon Teen/Family Groups (Kent County) 734-8010
Al-Anon Groups (Sussex County) 422-8010
Alcoholics Anonymous 655-5113
Alcoholics Anonymous (Kent County) 736-1567
Alcoholics Anonymous (Sussex County) 856-6452
Co-Dependents Anonymous 654-2829
Delaware Association for Children of Alcoholics 656-5554
Delaware Association for Children of Alcoholics (Kent County) 736-6619
Delaware Association for Children of Alcoholics (Sussex County) 856-6477
Support Groups for Family Members in Delaware
Alliance for the Mentally Ill 427-0787
Parenting Classes 328-3330
Parents of Children with Mental Illness 427-0787
Survivors and Victims Support
Battered Women 737-2241
Battered Women 762-8989
Children's Group - sexually assaulted 996-5444
Contact Lifeline - Rape Crisis Helpline 1-800-262-9800
Incest Survivors (Adults) 996-5444
Rape - Sexual Assault 761-9800
Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC) - Rape Crisis Helpline 1-800-773-8570
Sexual Abuse Survivor (Tressler Center) 995-2294
Victims Services (8:00 - 4:00)
New Castle County 571-7910
Attorney General's Office 577-2326
Center for Victim Advocacy (New Castle County) 577-2200 ext 3098
Kent County 697-3602
Attorney General's Office (Kent County) 1-800-870-1790
Dover City Police Victims Assistance 736-7134
Center for Victim Advocacy (Kent County) 739-6552
Sussex County Police Victims Assistance 856-5296
Attorney General's Office (Sussex County) 1-800-870-1790
Center for Victim Advocacy (Sussex County) 856-5843
Delaware State Police After Hours 1-800-842-8461