The Delaware State Courts will be closed Wednesday, December 25, 2024 for Christmas Day. Justice of the Peace Court 11 (New Castle County) and Court 7 (Kent County) will remain open 24 hours and Justice of the Peace Court 3 (Sussex County) will be open from 6AM – 12AM (no new cases after 11:00PM).

Operating Procedures


  1. Introduction

These operating procedures are intended to provide a general understanding to the public, the practicing bar, and the Judicial Branch's own staff of the administrative procedures followed by the Judicial Branch. These operating procedures are subordinate to the Judicial Branch's duty to comply with the Constitution, statutes, Court-specific rules, and its overarching commitment to do justice in the diverse procedural circumstances in which cases arise. When the need to do justice requires, the Judicial Branch may deviate from these procedures, but these operating procedures are intended to represent how the Judicial Branch operates in the ordinary course.

Consistent with their purpose, these operating procedures are not intended to cover the key procedures that litigants must follow in cases. Those are incorporated in relevant constitutional and statutory provisions and Court-specific rules of procedure. Rather, these operating procedures supplement those constitutional and statutory provisions that address the administration of the Judicial Branch and provide the administrative guidelines that govern the Judicial Branch.

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