The Delaware State Courts will be closed Monday, January 20, 2025 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Justice of the Peace Court 11 (New Castle County) and Court 7 (Kent County) will remain open 24 hours and Justice of the Peace Court 3 (Sussex County) will be open from 6AM – 12AM (no new cases after 11:00PM).


Courtroom Software

Audiovisual Control

The digital evidence presentation system serves as the heart of the embedded electronics in the courtroom. The system allows counsel to switch from displaying exhibits, realtime transcripts, video recordings or multimedia presentations with the push of a button.

However, the court maintains direct control of audio and visual distribution at all times during courtroom presentations through a control system and its application software. The bailiff, and if necessary, the judge can instantaneously mute or stop any audio or visual presentation.

The application enables the control of all audio and visual presentation equipment which includes input and output for courtroom microphones, video, VCR, DVD, ELMO, projector, computers, and volume.

Realtime Transcription

The Court has an obligation to make an accurate record of all proceedings and to ensure that the ability to do so is preserved into the long-term future.

The court's official record is maintained by court reporters who use traditional reporting methods as well as interactive realtime transcription. Realtime reporting combines the traditional transcription of court reporters with cutting-edge technology to enable courtroom participants to see speech as soon as they hear it. As of December 31, 2001, all Superior Court reporters provide Realtime transcription.

In the courtroom, realtime provides simultaneous translation of testimony directly onto our linked projection system and computer screens. The results are similar to closed-caption text on television.

Realtime applications allow the judge and counsel to view testimony on their computer screens as it is taken, to highlight testimony, code issues online, to mark and annotate key sections for later use, and generate comments to linked co-counsel as the testimony is taken. This technology empowers courtroom participants with instantaneous access to proceedings as they are given.

Digital Audio Recording

Some selected routine courtroom proceedings use a digital audio recording system to record without the use of a court reporter. The software records multiple channels for recording each person onto digital audio files. Once recorded the proceeding can be accessed on the network by the clerk or the judge.


Videoconferencing has been used in the court for more than a decade. Traditionally, it was used for a limited number of purposes, primarily arraignments, remote witness testimony, and in-state administrative meetings.

The technology demonstrated an excellent return on investment for a wide range of court activities. More recently, videoconferencing has emerged as an essential element of our integrated courtroom technology. Our in-court videoconferencing is seamlessly integrated into the courtroom configuration.

Automated Sentencing Order Program (ASOP)

The ASOP application enables the court to issue sentencing orders simultaneously with a judge's pronouncement. Previously it would take days to disseminate the information to all criminal justice agencies. Sentencing data is electronically filed and transferred within minutes to prisons and other agencies and criminal histories also are updated for future court proceedings. Defendants receive a complete copy of their sentencing order while in the courtroom.