About Us

Court Staff

Superior Court may appoint court reporters, law clerks, bailiffs, pre-sentence officers, a secretary for each judge, and other personnel.

An appointed Prothonotary for each county serves as Clerk of the Superior Court for the county, and is directly involved with the daily operations of the Court. The office handles the jury list and property liens and is the custodian of costs and fees for the Court.

The Prothonotary's Office issues permits to carry deadly weapons, receives bail, deals with the release of incarcerated prisoners, issues certificates of notary public where applicable, issues certificates of election to elected officials, issues commitments to the State Hospital, and collects and distributes restitution monies as ordered by the Court in addition to numerous other duties.

It is also charged with security, care, and custody of court's exhibits. Elected Sheriffs, one per county, also serve Superior Court.

In addition to appointed and elected positions, the Superior Court employs hundreds of people. Positions include court administrators and managers, management analysts, court clerks, accountants, secretaries, receptionists, and other support personnel.

The Superior Court welcomes applicants with a commitment to equal justice, innovation, continuous improvement, and our core values. The work of the court is of great importance to our democratic society. Consider joining the Superior Court team!

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